Whether novice or old salt, single or couple, CSC's unique capability to
provide low cost year-round sailing is worth checking out.
Founded in 1994 by a group of experienced sailors unwilling to pay the high
costs of individual boat ownership, and weary of the constant search for
competent, compatible crew, the CSC concept has proven to be a viable
Here are our key ingredients:

A California non-profit cooperative.

Affiliated with the American Sailing Association with ASA-certified instructors.

Our boat, "Mystic",  a well equipped and maintained  36' Catalina sloop, is
docked at the Marina City Club, 4333 Admiralty Way in Marina del Rey. Our
members enjoy free covered parking and access to heads and showers there.

We are self-managed (no employees) and perform much of our own
maintenance, along with skilled professionals (mechanic, rigger, sail-maker)
on call when needed.
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